Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Bio-fuels and how effective they truly Essay Example for Free

Bio-fuels and how effective they truly Essay If compared with utilizing fossil fuels, research studies on biofuels show that first generation biofuels can be projected to have 60% carbon emission reduction while utilization second generation biofuels can reduce up to 80%. Figure 4 shows the CO2 reduction particularly in the transport sector with the use of biofuels and other GHG reduction strategies. In the future, the type of processing energy used will be more relevant: a biofuel plant that uses biomass energy will contribute far more to reducing GHG emissions than one that uses fossil energy. The European Union started the market for biofuels. Other countries such as the United States of America are fast catching up. The Asian countries are slow in taking up the mandate because people are assuming the wise consumer attitude, adopting a wait-and-see approach, waiting for the infrastructure to be established in order to have a better rationalization of cost and benefit. Historical and projected biofuels production levels are shown in figures 5 and 6. The major country players are clearly indicated. Figure 7 shows the global demand for biofuels. The figure illustrated a 100% increase in the ethanol production between 2000 and 2005. ON the other hand, biodiesel production showed an increase of almost 400%.. Comparing these figures with production of oil from fossil fuels, it showed an increase only by only 7% over this period. Brazil produced 16. 5 billion liters of fuel ethanol (45. 2 percent of the worlds total) with the United States a close second at 16. 2 billion liters, or 44. 5 percent of the total. With these projections, benefits brought about by the utilization of biofuels is expected to be significant specifically on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. CONCLUSION Clean environment is essential to a good quality of life, yet many thousands of deaths yearly are linked to the effects of pollution. Improving local air quality is a major thrust that most countries are currently pursuing. Thus, it is relatively important to bear in mind that for the petroleum and energy industry, one of the major considerations should be the use of environmentally sound, economical and safe fuel. The use of biofuels, as presented in this paper suggests and projects a positive impact in the environment on the long term. While there are issues to be addressed, extensive research should be conducted in order to provide an answer to all these concerns. The figures show that there is an increasing demand for biofuels worldwide, still, policies gearing towards the utilization of such should be developed and adopted to the highest standards in the international scene. Like in some countries wherein the use of biofuels is mandated by law, there should be a worldwide promotion and advocacy campaign for its utilization with emphasis that it brings about to the environment. REFERENCES Biofuels for Transport (2006). What exactly is biofuels and the potential of it for its future use as alternative fuel for future road vehicles? [Internet], Biofuels for Transport. Available from: http://people. bath. ac. uk/ksyl20/my_report/interest. htm [Accessed 22 November 2007]. Brevitt, B. (February 12, 2002) Alternative Vehicle Fuels. Science and Environment Section, Research Paper 02/11. Center for Fuel Cells (2007) Fuel cell today. University of South Carolina. DOE Portal (2007) Biofuel. [Internet], Philippines Department of Energy. Available from: www. doe. gov. ph [Accessed 24 November 2007]. EurActive (2005) Alternative fuels for transport. [Internet], EurActive. Available from: www. eurActiv. com [Accessed 23 November 2007]. EurActive (2006a) Carmakers reject EU plan for CO2 emissions law. [Internet], EurActive. Available from: www. eurActiv. com [Accessed 23 November 2007]. Energy Research (2007) Introduction to Fuel cells. [Internet], European Commission. Available from: http://ec. europa. eu/research/energy/index_en. htm [Accessed 25 November 2007]. Environmental Technologies (2007) Innovations and Industry, Biofuel. [Internet], The Israel Export and Industrial Cooperation Institute. Available from: www. export. gov. il [Accessed 25 November 2007]. Gow, I. T. A. D. (February 21, 2007) EU promises 20% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. The Guardian. Webster, B. (February 5, 2007) EU is steered from gas-guzzler ban. The Times.

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