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Interpersonal and E-Communication for Apple -MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about theInterpersonal and E-Communication for Apple. Answer: Introduction Communication is the most important part of each and every business process. The organization can transfer their thoughts as well as thinking with the help of the communication process. On the other hand, it can be said that Apple is an international company and this company is also very popular as well. Thus, this company needs several minds of communication process in terms of their business process. There can be several kinds of communication process which can be adopted by each and every company such as verbal communication, non verbal communication, and written communication and so on. In modern world the people are getting habituated with several internet services, and many organizations can use internet in terms of their communication process. On the other hand, there can be several electronic communication method as well as non electronic communication method also. The each and every detail about modern process of communication that is adopted by the company Apple have been d iscussed in this report. In the end certain recommendations have been provided by the Company that can allow it to create greater impact on the market and on its consumers by extension of its core competencies. Synopsis of the Key Non-Electronic Communication Methods and Practices that the Company uses to Engage Customers, Suppliers, Staff Members and the Public As the company or organization Apple is a very successful company in their business process thus it can e seen that they are very well communicated among their employees, customers, suppliers as well as normal people. Basically, with the help of this process they want to aware people about their business process, services as well as products. On the other hand, it can be seen that among the employees the being well communicative to handle their business process and the productivity also (Kraatz, Wingenbach Rutherford, 2016). However, in terms of non electronic communication the companies mainly conduct their communication process with several natural processes as well as strategies. Along with the electronic process the non electronic process is also beneficial for each and every company. In the case of Apple it can be seen that, they also have several non electronic method, such as face to face, letters, invoice, and memorandum and so on. Thus, in the case of face to face communica tion method the company can deliver their thoughts among their employees, suppliers and also customers (Chen et al. 2016). This method is the most useful as well as effective method in terms of communication as they can clearly describe their thinking and people can understand the thinking of the company easily. With the help of this method the company Apple can easily connect with their employees and the other people also. Along with this letter can also help Apple to provide each and every detail among their suppliers and the employees. Basically, in this case the company mainly focuses on their employees and suppliers (Niederdeppe, 2016). On the other hand, memorandum also can be used by the company in terms of their internal environment thus it is also used among the suppliers as well as the employees also. Invoice is the method where all the legal documents, prices of the products can be described by the company Apple, thus it can be adopted by the company in the case of employ ees and stakeholders only. Overview of the Key Electronic Media and Communication Strategies used by the Company, Including Websites, Social Media and Electronic Platforms As per early discussion apart from the non electronic method there are also some electronic communication methods which are basically the most important factor of the modern organizations. Thus, Apple also has this method in their communication process. However, in the modern culture the electronic methods are more effective than other methods. The strategies which are used by the company Apple can be seen as websites, social media as well as the electronic platform. Basically, Apple has their own website and with the help of that particular website they can be successful to provide information among their customers about their services as well as products. To conduct this method, the company needs to be well developed and also they need to provide training to their employees as it is the employees who will communicate with the customers each and every time or handle the website as well. Social media is another method which has been using by this company (Stephens, 2017). Basically, social media is the platform where several kinds of people can connect with each other and communicate with each other as well. so that the company Apple also use social media and provide their product details in terms of attracting various people within a minute towards them. On the other hand, other electronic platform like computers, mobile phones, and telephones also can be used in their business process. To handle the company the employees and the stakeholders communicate with these electronic platforms, and other two things like website as well as social media company use to handle the customers and also in the marketing purpose as for marketing communication is also important (Mort et al. 2016). When customers have any question regarding the products and service they can use website and social media or they can also call the company by taking the numbers from internet (Yang et al. 2016). Thus, the company Apple has adopted effective strategies in terms of electronic communica tion method. Perform a SWOT Analysis on the Companys Overall Communication Methods and Practices, and Describe your Findings SWOT analysis of company Apples communication methods and practices is following Strength Apples communication team structure is their main strength They also have the brand reputation Their media relationship is also very good Apples current strategy in terms of communication is very effective for the business and companys budget can be the another advantage in terms of overall communication methods (Walker et al. 2016) Their website popularity and social media linking is the another strength Internal communication is very effective for the company Apple Weakness Lack of management support can be the weakness for the company apple Bad communication team structure Bad media relationship Not sufficient marketing material If company apple not follow the proper strategy this can be greatest weakness of them If they not maintain their website and social media profiles this can be one of the weakness of company Apple in terms of communication strategy Staff retention can also be a weakness of company apple (Sabatos-DeVito et al. 2016). Opportunity Company apple can follow some innovative ideas for improve their communication strategy They can do good advertising, sponsorship, branding to promote their brand alignment. This can also help them to improve their communication strategy They can organize exhibition, industry events for improving their communication strategy They can also target some other market as well as they can use some existing strategy to improve their communication strategy. This can be one of the greatest opportunity for company Apple to expand their as well as to improve their communication strategy. They can also use some testimonials to improve their communication strategy. Threats Other companies can offer similar communication strategy , this can be greatest threat for company in terms of improving their communication strategy Copycats and privacy can also be a threat for them There are also some limited effectiveness which can be measured Technological improvement can also be threats for company Apple in terms of improve their communication strategy (Eynon, Sinclair Lloyd, 2016). Assess and Compare the Communication Practices of the Companys 2 Main Competitors In terms of run a company or a business process it is necessary to have some competitors in their business process. However, Apple also has two main competitors in their business process such as Samsung as well as Motorola. Samsung communication: The Company Samsung mainly believes in the electronic communication method. They has several websites as well as they also handle social media more efficiently. This company thinks that they can clear their thoughts with the help of this method only. The employees as well as the stakeholders also use mobiles, telephones for communication purpose. Though, sometime they use face to face communication (Ma et al. 2016). Motorola communication: Motorola focuses on the non electronic communication method more, as they feel that with the help of face to face communication, invoice, and letters they can provide detail information. Along with this, they also use websites, emails as well. Comparison: Though they both have non electronic communication method but Motorola uses this more effectively rather than Samsung. On the other hand, Samsung has focus on the electronic method more (Bryant, Uslan Humphries, 2016). Provide an Assessment of Suggestions and Recommendations for how the Company can Improve its Communication There can be several suggestions and recommendations for how the company Apple can improve its communication in terms of developing their business as well communication can provide positive impact on the business process as well (Maart Wentzel, 2016). These are as follows Company Apple can create open door policy which can set stage for everyone around the company. This can also help them to create open and wide communication They can also keep their vision and mission at the front, so that everyone able to see and communicate towards it They can organize regular meeting and emails; this can be helpful for them to communicate with the employees. This can improve their communication strategy also. They can create good team structure and decision making team. This can also help them to improve their communication strategy. Good Accessible leadership can also build good communication strategy. They can also encourage their employees in fluid company. This can also help them to improve their business and as well as improve their communication strategy also. They can also maintain good customer relationship management for effective communication (Decuir, Banerjea Stark, 2016). They can also take suggestion from the employees how the communication can be improved. This research can also help company Apple to improve their business efficiency and communication skill. Collaborative solution can also help company Apple to improve its communication skill They can use some social networking sites or their own networking to communicate with the employees, whether they are in another world or outside the room. This can very helpful for company Apple to improve its communication strategy. Sales force chatter can be also useful for company Apple They communication process need to simple so that their employee can understand it. They can also publish their manifesto online so that can be easily accessible by everyone. They need to comment, feedback from the employees as well as from the customers. This can be very useful for them to improve their communication strategy. They need to make communication a habit. Regular communication can help them to improve their communication skill. They can monthly conference, news letter for better communication. Habitual communication can help them to eliminate their vital time. This can also help the employees to get relax. Staying up to date with the latest communication skill can help company apple to improve their business efficiency and as well as can also help to improve their communication strategy. Conclusion After analyzing this business report it can be seen that without proper communication process or method it cannot be possible for a company to run their business in a well manner. However, Apple is the most effective and successful company in the modern market, they have several kinds of communication strategies which can help them to take as well as give information properly. There are two most efficient rival companies of Apple Inc such as Samsung and Motorola. These companies exert immense competitive threats and pressures on the company and restricts extension of market scopes. They also use several communication methods but there are some differences among their choices as well and that have been elaborated inn this report. Apart from this there are also some recommendation for the company Apple which they can adopted in their business process as well as in their communication process in terms of developing their business. The recommendations can also allow the business to overc ome the current challenges faced by the business and establish core competency in the market by extension of brand value. References Bryant, B., Uslan, D., Humphries, R. (2016). Verbal communication with providers improves acceptance of antimicrobial stewardship interventions.Hospital,37, 740-742. Chen, R., Jiang, P., Wu, Y., Cao, Z., Xiao, B., Lin, J., ... Li, Y. (2016, November). Short-range wireless communication methods for overhead height limit devices subtitle as needed (paper subtitle). InSystems and Informatics (ICSAI), 2016 3rd International Conference on(pp. 644-649). IEEE. Decuir, J., Banerjea, R., Stark, J. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 9,319,828. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Eynon, M., Sinclair, P., Lloyd, J. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 9,235,732. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Kraatz, C. L., Wingenbach, G. J., Rutherford, T. A. (2016). 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